The Greatest Man In Our Time: Donald John Trump Has No Need to Apologize

Before Trump set the world on fire from 2017 to 2020, the five highest rated presidents, according to a C-SPAN survey, for example were Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower. I do not contest the fact that they showed greatness in office but when you look at all of Trump’s accomplishments and the complexity of our times, the 45th president deserves much more consideration.

That’s why I wrote this book. You may never choose to invite Donald John Trump over the house for breakfast or even a holiday gathering, but looking back at his four years in office, whether you like him or not, most Americans admit those were some of the most prosperous and warless years we have had in our lifetimes. We have the chance again to have the Greatest Man in Our Time as President in a few more years. Let’s do our best to assure it.


The Great Story of Notre Dame Football: The beginning of Football to Brian Kelly’s last game 2022 Edition

We tell the whole big great story of ND football plus lots of great little stories from the very beginning of football as a sport to Coach Brian Kelly’s last win. It touches every aspect of the historical and mythical Notre Dame teams. It tells exhilarating stories about the games led by the University’s 31 coaches, including the immortals—Morrison, Harper, Rockne, Layden, Leahy, Parseghian, Devine and of course Lou Holtz and its 133 seasons worth of great games (1328 games).

The book also highlights great players along the way — such as Johnny Lujack, Paul Hornung, George Gipp, Joe Montana, Joe Theisman, Nick Buoniconti, Chris Zorich, Jim Martin, Angelo Bertelli, Jerome Bettis, Leon Hart, Alan Page, Ross Browner, Bob Golic, Knute Rockne, Tony Rice, Gus Dorais & Johnny Lattner.



Wilkes-Barre PA is a dying city. It is time to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and begin our return to glory.

In the middle of the last century, Wilkes-Barre’s population was approaching 90,000. Today it is 43,000. This did not happen overnight. Over the years, many of the city’s kind benefactors, such as the Kirby family, helped keep the city vibrant. Whenever it needed a boost, they were there to rejuvenate. Having had half the population move out of town, Wilkes-Barre no longer could count on a local family to be there at the right time with the right answer.

Wilkes-Barre saw its population declining with the mines no longer sustaining the City. We noticed stores, even the best of the best shutting down or moving out from necessity. We all noticed that other businesses that once provided hundreds of jobs not being able to continue. Mark Twain once said, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Wilkes-Barre officials and residents over the years have heard the death knell for the City and instead of contesting it fiercely, allowed it to happen. Like Twain, our demise has been greatly exaggerated. Those times are in the past. Wilkes-Barre can and must find its way out of the mire and return to glory. May good leadership help Wilkes-Barre find a way to reclaim its future.


The Great Story of Georgia Bulldogs Football II

This book is written for those of us who love Georgia Bulldogs Football and who cannot wait until our next win. There is no need to be impatient because as of 2022, Georgia is now at the top of the pack and the Bulldogs win big games all the time. Ask the others! In 2022, of course we all know, Georgia became the College Football Champions.

The founding of the University was in 1785 and before Georgia eventually played its first football game, the first book was read at UGA right after Abraham Baldwin of the University of Georgia drafted legislation that became the charter of the university. Georgia student life moved quickly as the first student organization was founded as the Demosthenian Literary Society was founded. The first commencement was held with Josiah Miggs, President presiding in 1804. For its first 50 years, the school was known as Franklin College.

Soon after being established, Charles Herty got football going on campus in the fall of 1886 and UGA played its first intercollegiate football game. It took a while but in 1929, the school built its first stadium Sanford Stadium.

The rest of the college football is not necessarily thrilled that Georgia became so good, so fast, and now they are recognized as the best team in the nation. Georgia won its first National Championship in 1942. In 1980, Georgia repeated its national championship with freshman Herschel Walker leading the way. The Bulldogs remained a national powerhouse with a lot of close calls to greatness until 2022 when it again won another National Championship with a coach who was a great Georgia graduate. Go Bulldogs! This book captures the whole great story of Georgia football. It takes the reader through stories about Georgia’s great immortal coaches and great players over the years. You will not be able to put this book down.


Truth, Justice & the American Way!

Here we are citizens in a truly exceptional country. Yet, even here in America all is not perfect. But, if we don’t smarten up, things will get a lot worse and they may never get better again.

Taxes are too high, elected officials are out of touch, government is too big, spending is out of control; the once new healthcare program, ObamaCare is a train wreck. The federal government is incompetent, the people have no voice in government, too many people are too lazy to hold government accountable, too many are on the take… Too many people are WOKE and even big Tech is getting too woke for its britches and the Cancel Culture is tough to endure. There’s lots more! Some think our best solution is help from Krypton or another far off planet.

Learn about America and the help it needs and can get by reading this book. It is the best thing you can do to understand our great country and our great form of government, before the bad guys take it away from us.


The Colt Raised by Goats: The Goats & the Backyard Animals Saved the Day

This is a heartwarming story of a colt from Pennsylvania, raised by goats. The colt grew up to be a stallion (bronco) quite adept at climbing mountains with the best of the goats. This story begins in the backyard of 54 Perfect Street, the last street between Wilkes-Barre and Ashley Pennsylvania. The mountains frequented by goats are directed behind the house. Perfect Street is so close to the wooded areas of PA that a number of animals frequent the backyard and seem to enjoy the gentle hills in the yard. For the vigilant, the very same animals that are seen outside the back window during all seasons are also spotted close to the mountains where the goats frequently visit. Occasionally, the neighbors will spot a full grown bronco on the lower side of the mountains. It isn’t often that wild horses are spotted and so when a neighbor spots a bronco, all the other neighbors learn about it lickety-split. It sure is fun to see.

Our story begins in this section of the lower mountain just beyond Prefect Street. There had been no bronco sightings for several years before this day. There were always a ton of backyard animals in the backyard of the Perfect Street residence. Some of the kids in the neighborhood swear they would talk to the backyard animals at times. They said there were conversations among the animals and also with the kids. I was never fortunate enough to overhear or be part of such conversations. But the kids always told me about the topics they talked about. So, it was like being there.

On a particular day in the fall, the animals spotted a horse truck on the side of the mountain. The driver stopped and got out and he took a really fat mare out for what looked like a walk. The mare soon collapsed. That’s the real beginning of this story.


The Best Christmas Ever: A Christmas Story that will Melt Your Heart!

This story is true. It takes the reader on a journey using a 26″ 1950’s style homemade bicycle starting from when the boy was five years old and it ends when he is nine. Either a miracle happens or the Christmas Spirit or Santa or all three bring forth one of the happiest and most amazing moments that any child can experience in a lifetime.

Not all stories, even Christmas end well. This incredible story will not disappoint any reader once you mount the 26″ bike right next to the young boy as he goes through the preparations and the work efforts and adventures within this story. The ending is outstanding. If it were not true, it would still make a great Christmas Story. Since it is true, it makes it even more special, especially for me. I am the boy in the story. Thank you for reading it. It melts my heart whenever I think about it..


Saving Seniors from the Poor House II: The Secret for Seniors to Get Real Reparations Tomorrow. For Being Ripped Off by the US Government

This book is intended to put a grimace and then a smile on the faces of almost all seniors. For too long, The most beleaguered citizens in the United States have been our senior citizens. Seniors are victims of government fraud and have been since 1980 if not even before that year. It should not be so; but it is easy to explain. There is not one senior citizen member of Congress, who actually depends on Social Security to make their ends meet. How is it then that they get to cast their magic wands annually to determine the SSR CoLA increase due seniors. Folks it is the worst annual-fake news that anybody can receive and privately the government, who publishes and calculates this BS, laughs at seniors for accepting it.

In this book, Brian Kelly shows you how seniors have been defrauded and how each person on Social Security deserves as much as two to three times what their SSR government check amounts to. You’re going to like this book but it may shock you that Uncle Sam is a cheater on the cost of living. That is how this nasty uncle takes money from the pockets of seniors every time he can.

The official current public government inflation number (called CPI) is approaching 10% but those experts familiar with inflation know the number is well above 16%. Seniors feel like it is 30% and it may very well be. The government lies continually to keep the lid on its budget–on the backs of seniors. This book breaks it wide open and demands that through the CoLA mechanism for the next three years, seniors get some real payback, and believe me, America can afford it. Get your copy of this book so you know exactly what to ask for from Congress and the President. Yes, if you have not guessed it by now, Congressional inflation estimates unfortunately are bogus. But they are used to steal real money from seniors. This must change now to keep Seniors out of the Poorhouse. Dear seniors: Say “No more fraud on social security, and give us our due reparations!”


Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin — Much Maligned Super Drugs

Does Hydroxychloroquine work? Does Ivermectin work? It seems that from 2020 and now with the variants, we are suffering from a world-wide nightmare that only Joe Biden thinks has ended. So far, when it seems like it is over, the end point gets stretched out—often past the point of human tolerance.

The FDA has flip flopped on both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for COVID but both are approved for Malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is also marketed as Plaquenil for Lupus and Ivermectin is marketed as Stromectol for intestinal strongyloidiasis due to the nematode parasite. The FDA has approved the antiviral drug remdesivir (Veklury) to treat COVID-19 in hospitalized adults and children who are age 12 and older in the hospital. The FDA has granted an emergency use authorization for the rheumatoid arthritis drug baricitinib (Olumiant) to treat COVID-19 in some cases.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are two medications that have been used for many decades to treat malaria and autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The official word is that based on the available medical data at this time, hydroxy-chloroquine and chloroquine are not effective for treating or preventing COVID-19. The same goes for Ivermectin. Many doctors swear by it but it still has not made it to an official recommended list.

Even New Yorkers and others from big cities who thought they could find solace in their lakeside or mountain retreats to escape the contagion of the big city, have had to go underground in their cabins as their new small-town neighbors are being interviewed on local radio & TV complaining of them bringing the big city virus to their small burgs.

Now, what? It is called novel, meaning new, and because of its newness, there are no cookbook cures for this plague. And so, death is often a result of a long illness with this virus. Too many deaths!

So what to do? In this book we tell you about how this virus got its start and how it made its way across the world in record time. We talk about the measures the world has taken to keep us all safe and we tell you about some promising therapeutics that in some cases are reported to cure the virus and in other cases, they are reported to serve as a prophylaxis to prevent people from contracting the potentially deadly virus. Nobody knows for sure whether anything will work. But some doctors swear by some of the old stand-bys.

We wrap this book up by offering a very simple way to be OK—sooner , not later. In this book, your author gives us all a few tips that in his opinion can get us rolling & relieve the frustration safely. You won’t know about what is being said about if it can work until you read about it here. You’ll find I think some people ought to go to jail for killing Americans. In all cases before you take anything. See your own doctor first.


Thank You IBM! Next Edition: The completed story of how IBM helped today’s technology millionaires and billionaires gain vast fortunes.

I began to write this book over twenty years ago. My purpose was to tell the true story about how IBM made too many companies successful by standing down rather than competing. As a Senior IBM Systems Engineer, I saw it all happen. The $ Trillion dollar PC marketplace is the biggest example of IBM’s major losses. Yet, the PC was just one of many industry sub-segments over the years in which IBM failed miserably. We need more than ten fingers to count them all. This book tells all the great stories about how industries came into being and entrepreneurs often in their early twenties became billionaires. This book tells you which companies did the best; which regular guys became industry moguls; and who has the money today. Among other things, it tells us all who owes IBM the biggest thank you’s. This book in many ways is about Big Blue’s misgivings about being too successful in too many IT product areas. IBM Executives over the years from the CEO on down were all paid very well to manage all aspects of the company’s business. Unfortunately each and every CEO after the Watsons and T. Vincent Learson, focused on just one aspect of IBM – its mainframe business. So the IBM Chieftains lost just about every other opportunity including the PC. They simply handed very crafty “entrepreneurs,” the whole game. IBM created many industry billionaires simply by not watching its assets. Microsoft alone has four documented billionaires on its list which is topped by Bill Gates, the richest man in the world at $102 billion. Additionally, there are over 12,000 other Microsoft employees on the millionaire’s list. IBM paid for all of the zillionaires. In Chapter 1, I show each and every billionaire and a number of millionaires. I then go on in sixty-nine chapters to tell you the essence of the full Microsoft / IBM story along with many other stories of IBM squandering many other real business opportunities. These are enjoyable to read but hard to believe. You are going to love this book, designed by an IBM insider and told with respect for IBM and with the truth that all of these great stories deserve. You will not want to put this book down. Kelly not only gives the facts about the new billionaires; he also provides a history lesson about the entire industry that will capture your imagination. You’ll learn how all these billionaires got their money. The book begins with the introduction of the first computer and it takes you on a ride through all of the major events that occurred during each IBM CEO’s tenure. The story thus begins with Thomas Watson Sr, as CEO and continues chapter by chapter to the state of the computer industry today. Kelly does it all in 69 easy-to-read enjoyable chapters. Few books are must-read but Thank You IBM! will quickly be at the top of your list and America’s most read list.


Katie Kelly and Her Miracle Voice
The About the Book information is not available as of this time.

Trump V DeSantis
The About the Book information is not available as of this time.

The Great Story of Notre Dame Football
This book begins with the first college football game in 1869 and continues through seven years with the team having no football head coach until the administration finally funded the program by hiring J. L. Morrison to mentor the Irish in 1894.